Exabyte 220 Tape Library

1996-12-30 09:55:09
Subject: Exabyte 220 Tape Library
From: Charles Aiken <aiken AT KENT DOT EDU>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 1996 09:55:09 -0500
Hi ADSM'ers:

    We are planning to migrate from the MVS server to AIX.  Investigating
tape subsystems.  Does anyone have any experiences with the Exabyte 220 Tape
Library (containing the new Mammoth drives)?  Do you know which device
support module for ADSM is required (1,2,3 or 4)?  Thank you.
: Chip Aiken                              :
: University Information Systems          :
: Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242   :
: Voice:  (330) 672-7971 ext. 52          :
: Email:  aiken AT kent DOT edu                  :
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