3590 performance with adsm

1996-11-27 12:39:48
Subject: 3590 performance with adsm
From: Greg Tevis <gtevis AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 1996 09:39:48 PST
Janet Curtis asked about adsm plans for higher performance
exploitation of 3590 drives...we have been working on some
improvements in driving 3590s.  One of the short term
enhancements involves larger buffers for writing to the 3590...
I believe this will be available soon (if it's not available
already...I can't remember)...we have seen promising
results in    initial testing of it... We are also looking
at other enhancements for next year.  We won't be able
to drive the 3590s near their 9MB/sec rate until we also
minimize the associated adsm database updates ( we will never
be able to eliminate them so we won't be able to reach the
hardware speeds...but we should be able to get much closer).
All of these enhancements are only for 3590 on aix...since we
have the most control of the device drivers...

...greg tevis
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