Re: Recovery log filling up

1996-10-15 14:41:20
Subject: Re: Recovery log filling up
From: Claudia Masters <cmaster1 AT TUELECTRIC DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 13:41:20 -0500
A database backup will empty the log.  You can set it to trigger when it
reaches a specified % utilizied with the DEF DBBACKTRIGGER command.

At 04:40 AM 10/15/96 EDT, you wrote:
>We are running ADSM on MVS. Since we migrated to V2.1 we have had a problem
>with the recovery log in normal mode filling up and when it reaches 100% no
>new transactions are allowed to start. IBM have this problem recorded as
>APAR PN88852 and are still working on a fix. As a temporary solution they
>say to issue a chkp command which should empty the log. I can't find this
>command in any of the manuals. Can anyone enlighten me?
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