Backup DB & Del Volhistory

1996-09-19 16:40:36
Subject: Backup DB & Del Volhistory
From: David Ong <david AT BABYONG.NSC DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 13:40:36 -0700
Hello ADSMers,

We just upgraded from AIX ADSM server v1.2.0.9 to v2.1.0.9 over the weekend. The
upgrade went fine. My problem is with changing from DUMP DB to BACKUP DB to back
up my database. I was dumping the db to tape daily and cycling thru 7 tapes for
each day of the week via a scheduled job which invokes a simple macro. When I
changed from DUMP to BACKUP, the command would not use the specified tape and
would end up using a scratch tape. It turns out the BACKUP command will not 
over a tape that is still logged in the database as being used for backing up 
database. To get around this, I thought I could simply stick the following:


into the macro and be done with it. Unfortunately, when I did that, the job 
and I can't even get rid of the session with the cancel session command.When I
reported the problem to IBM, I was told that the DELETE command was hanging the
session waiting for a confirmation reply and was working as designed.

If anybody out there has figured out a way to do something similar to what I am
trying to do I would love to hear his/her solution.
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