Re: Files that can't be back-upped by ADSM

1996-09-12 12:05:35
Subject: Re: Files that can't be back-upped by ADSM
From: Barry Fruchtman <bf AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 09:05:35 -0700
 The problem is that the LPT files were created by attempting
to print by copying a file to LPT1:.  At the time this was
done the printer driver wasn't installed so OS/2 created a
file by that name instead.  That wouldn't be so bad, but
when the printer driver was installed, that file became
inaccessible as it conflicts with the system device that's
now valid.  With the printer driver enabled, the \DEV\
is automatically prepended to the name by OS/2.  To get
rid of the file, edit your CONFIG.SYS file and comment
out the DEVICE=.....\PRINT01.SYS ( or \PRINT02.SYS),
reboot and delete or rename the file.

Barry Fruchtman
ADSM Development

On Thu, 12 Sep 1996, Eric van Loon wrote:

> Hi ADSM-ers,
> I have the following problem on several of my OS/2 clients.
> In more than one user directory there are files located with the name LPT1or 
> LPT2. Those files ADSM cannot back-up. It reports the following error:
> 10-09-1996 02:30:53 ANS4228E Sending of object 'F:\DATA\XS\MEMO\MEMO95\LPT1' 
> failed
> 10-09-1996 02:30:53 ANS4089E File not found during Backup, Archive or Migrate 
> processing
> This is probably because it's not so much a file. Probably OS/2 sees it as a 
> device.
> I went to the 'F:\DATA\XS\MEMO\MEMO95' directory and did a DEL LPT1 command.
> The following error was returned:
> SYS0003: The system cannot find the path specified.
> Where the \DEV\ comes from I don't know, there is no such directory!
> The users cannot remember how they created those files.
> Has anybody seen this before or does anybody know how to delete those 'files'?
> Thanks in advance for any reply!
> Kindest regards,
> Eric van Loon
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