Re: ADSM Scheduler Service

1996-08-13 14:51:14
Subject: Re: ADSM Scheduler Service
From: Jane Vaughn <Jane_Vaughn AT PCMAILGW.ML DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 13:51:14 EST
      I had many problems when I first tried to get this working (several
     months ago).  It was always my own error - I had the password wrong in
     the registry entry once.  Is there anything in the dsmerror.log or
     dsmsched.log to help you?  Also, I use SYSTEM ACCOUNT for the service.
     Don't know if any of this will help.  I do know that I uninstalled and
     reinstalled many times before I got it right!   -- Jane / NY, NY

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Subject: ADSM Scheduler Service
Author:  "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L AT VM.MARIST DOT EDU> at PROFGTWY
Date:    8/13/96 12:15 PM

I just tried setting up the NT ADSM scheduler service
through the use of the srvinst utility and I get a
access denied error 0005 when I try to start the service.
Has anyone else received this and what was the solution?
Thanks for any help.
// Bob Finnell  finnell AT erols DOT com
// Rockville, MD
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