Re: ADSM Full Server/Drive Restores

1996-06-25 17:15:46
Subject: Re: ADSM Full Server/Drive Restores
From: Rick Tsujimoto <rtsujimoto AT CUSA.CANON DOT COM>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 16:15:46 EST
     >We are in the process of looking into ADSM on MVS to backup 120=20
     >servers on the LAN.... One of my main concerns is doing a full drive
     >or=20 server restore after a period of months/years have gone by. Can
     >anyone shar= e=20
     >their experiences with me? I'm afraid that to restore and entire
     >drive or=20 server, I could possibly be looking at 50 - 100 or more
     >tape mounts because= =20
     >the live data will be sprinkled out  on many many many tapes. I
     >know=20 co-location is an option, but I have to think their will
     >still be a number=20 of tapes and mounts that need to be looked
     >Any comments on this would be greatly appreciated....

     >Thanks in advance      Bill Kral    TNE  -   WKral AT TNE DOT COM


     We backup about 15 Novell servers, 4 unix servers and 1 or 2 os/2
     guys.  Colocation is an option we use and has reduced the number of
     tape mounts needed to perform a full restore. But, the main problem
     will be the line speed between MVS and the client vs. the number of
     tape mounts.  ADSM will restore your data but it may take a long time
     (a common complaint from our Novell admin who had to suffer a few
     restores). To avoid this pain, we decided to perform local backups on
     each server and use those tapes as the primary recovery source. If
     that fails (or if the data required was lost a long time ago), then
     the ADSM backups are used for recovery purposes.

  *  Rick Tsujimoto                                   *
  *                                                   *
  *  rtsujimoto AT DOT com                        *
  *                                                   *
  *  tel: 516-328-4554                                *
  *  fax: 516-328-4369                                *
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