Administrative Schedule

1996-06-12 09:22:00
Subject: Administrative Schedule
From: Micheal Cotton <mikec%mmailgt{COMPDIVNET/CCKNETPO/MikeC}@MHS.CSTAT.CO.ZA>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 15:22:00 +0200
Hi folks

I'm trying to use Define Schedule Type=A to issue the following command:
"q ev branches daily  begind=today-1 begint=20:00 > c:dsmrpt.txt"
This is on OS/2 running with MVS as the server.
Each time the admin schedule runs it gives return code 3 - syntax error.
If I actually type the command from my admin client there is no problem i.e.
the command is executed OK.

Am I begin stupid or doing something illegal?

Can't see anything on the IBM bases.

Help if you can please

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