Re: Moving volumes

1996-05-30 08:54:44
Subject: Re: Moving volumes
From: "Andrew M. Raibeck" <araibeck AT VNET.IBM DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 05:54:44 PDT
Jeff Mathers asks:

>I am considering moving the location of my database volumes to a
>different partition on my hard drive. I might also be interested in
>moving some data volumes to other hard drives.
>I was wondering how I can do this without blowing the brains of my ADSM
>system. Why am I doing this?
>Becuase I need more space on my primary partition for WarpServer.

Here's how you can use ADSM to do it:

1) Run DSMFMT to create your new volume(s) on the desired partition.
   To make things easy, I'd suggest that the combined space of the new
   volumes be equal to your existing volumes. If the new space is smaller
   than the existing 'Assigned Capacity' (from QUERY DB), you'll have to
   issue a REDUCE DB <n> command to lower the assigned capacity so that
   it is no larger than the capacity of the new volumes. Don't forget:
   when running DSMFMT, you should specify a size in MB that is a
   multiple of 4 + 1, i.e. 401, 805, etc.

2) Issue DEFINE DBVOLUME <newvolumename> for each of the new volumes
   you created. Once this is done, a QUERY DB will show 'Available
   Space' equal to the sum of your previous available space plus the
   amount of new space you just created.

3) Issue DELETE DBVOLUME <oldvolumename> commands for each of the volumes
   you wish to delete. I recommend allowing the current DELETE DBVOLUME
   command to complete before issuing the next one. Also, try deleting
   the volumes in the reverse order you added them. This should help
   prevent the data from having to be moved more than once. For example,
   suppose you added 3 volumes, DB1, DB2 and DB3, and you want to move
   them to DBA, DBB, and DBC. If you delete DB1 first, at least some of
   that data would end up on DB3 (unless the database is 100% full, of
   course) before going to DBA. This is because database space is used
   from the bottom, up. So I would delete the volumes in order: DB3, DB2,
   and DB1.

Hope this helps.

Andy Raibeck
ADSM Level 2 Support
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