Re: Help - allocating disk stg vols

1996-05-01 10:07:48
Subject: Re: Help - allocating disk stg vols
Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 09:07:48 EST
> All,
>         We have AIX RS6K/R24 servers, with AIX 4.1.4, each with
>         128 gigabytes of SSA disk storage.
>         we are having problems allocating large storage volumes on disk.
>         We defined 5 logical volumes on the SSA disks, each about 22gb
>         Then we tried using DSMFMT to define files as our disk storage
>         volumes, each time we allocate above 1 gigabyte we get the
>         following message :-
>         "error allocating volume errorno = 27"

                I also ran into this error. This is a result of the
                Max. file size parameter on your userid. The default is that
        the maximum size file you can create is 1 gigabyte.
                   You can change this using smit but I believe the maximum
        allowable file size on an AIX system is 2 gigabytes!

>         We then thought, easy! we'll get around this by allocating
>         AIX logical volumes as stg volumes, we used the command :-
>         def vol /dev/rxxx, where xxx is the name of the logical volume
>         However ADSM only sees these volumes as 980 megabytes each.
>         We have been told by Call-AIX that as we use these vols, the
>         ADSM "guestimate" of their size will increase, they are actually
>         22 gigabytes in size.
>         Questions
>         How can we ensure that ADSM is actually using all the allocated
>         space.
>         Is there a better way of doing what we have done.
>         Anyone had any similar experiences.
>         Thanks,
>         Brian Johnson
>         BT (British Telecom)
>         Tel (44) 01908 656067

  Dean Roy                           Email: DEAN AT UWINDSOR DOT CA
  Systems Programmer                 Voice: (519)253-4232 Ext 2763
  University of Windsor              Fax  : (519)973-7083
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