An ADSM wish-list item

1996-04-12 11:02:30
Subject: An ADSM wish-list item
From: Richard Sims <rbs AT ACS.BU DOT EDU>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 1996 11:02:30 -0400
One thing that I think many of us would like to see in ADSM is a way
to structurally display a Node or Domain's ingredients with one command.
As things are now, trying to display such a hierarchy involves issuing
perhaps a dozen or more separate commands, some of which are shots in
the dark because not all elements point downward to the next element in
the hierarchy, so you must fish from the bottom upward sometimes.
A graphical portrayal of the overall structure of a Node would be
particularly beneficial, where you could click on the possibly multiple
management classes in a policy set to see each in turn.  A textual
summary would be welcome, if nothing else.
    Richard Sims, Boston University OIT
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