Meaning of percent idle time

1996-01-31 11:02:48
Subject: Meaning of percent idle time
From: Bob Klein <KL2 AT CU.NIH DOT GOV>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 11:02:48 EST
One of our users has complained of very slow backup times. I
looked at the statistics for his most recent session and the
pct idle wait was more than 80.  From the documentation, it
appears that this means the server was waiting for the client
for more than 80% of the session.  My question is is that a
correct interpretation of this number (gotten from doing a
q node f=d).  Thanks.

Robert P. Klein                          KL2 AT CU.NIH DOT GOV
Robert P. Klein                          KL2 AT CU.NIH DOT GOV
Phone: 301-496-7400                      Fax: 301-496-6905
Mail:  DCRT/CFB/ETS, 12A/1033, 12 SOUTH DR MSC 5607,
       BETHESDA, MD 20892-5607
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