Re: Server hangs up at volume witch during DUMP DB

1995-11-30 18:41:54
Subject: Re: Server hangs up at volume witch during DUMP DB
From: Andy Raibeck <raibeck AT CONNIX DOT COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 18:41:54 -0500
Klaus Dilper says:

> We have the same problem, right just the same as you descripted. We're
> running both Version 1 and Version 2 MVS Servers. I opend an PMR some
> month ago and IBM told me to install Server level 0.13/1.13 this
> should fix the problem! I'm still running level 0.12/1.12 on
> our Version 1 server, because we'll go to Version 2 soon. I haven't
> seen the problem on Version 2, because we never needed more than one
> tape on this server for DB Dump. If there is still a bug, it schould
> be fixed very soon!! We run our DB Dump during the night and I'm very
> upset to clear this situation by restarting the server so often!

The ADSM/MVS problem is fixed in level 0.14/1.14 and doesn't exist in V2.
I originally reported the problem as follows:

1) Some process or processes were running, like reclamation or migration.
2) I issued the DUMP DB command to do a consistent dump of my database to
   3480 cartridge.
3) DUMP DB finished writing to the first tape, and called for the second
   tape to be mounted.
4) The second tape is mounted, but at that time all ADSM processing just
5) Cancelling processes doesn't resolve the problem. I had to shut down the
   server and restart.

It is not fixed in level 0.13/1.13, but 0.14/1.14.

P.S. I *strongly* recommend keeping up to date on ADSM maintenance.

Andy Raibeck
Connecticut Mutual
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