Re: Vaulting and Offsite Storage

1995-09-26 11:50:36
Subject: Re: Vaulting and Offsite Storage
From: "Thomas P. Hughes" <thughes AT POBOX.HARVARD DOT EDU>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 1995 10:50:36 -0500

First, thanks for the response.

>My best recommendation would be to upgrade to the V2 server, which has built-in
>capability for backing up disk and tape storage pools for off-site vaulting.

 Wer'e looking into that.

>If you do not wish to off-site all your tapes, but just a particular subset,
>your best bet is to set up a special management class for SQL-BACKTRACK
>that directs the data to its own storage pool. This is actually why ADSM
>allows you to create different storage pools - to help you manage some data
>differently from other data.

 I did set up a seperate management class pointing to a storage pool of 64
tapes for the sybase backup. (the 64 tapes are supposed to represent a 16
week cycle of 4 tapes each).

>As to your ADSM and TMS problem - your note wasn't very specific, so I can't
>say much except that we are using the ARCTVEXT exit that is supplied with
>CA's TMS. This works just fine.

 Here's an example of the problem. Hopefully I'll describe this correctly:

 In talking with the MVS/CA/TMS people here we do indeed use the ARCTVEXT
exit. The problem seems to be when only 3 1/2 of the 4 tapes are written,
TMS is looking at this set as ready to be vaulted, but adsm still knows it
has 1/2 a tape to write to and on the next backup run will call for the
tape again, even though TMS has it flagged as not available. Thus we get
the tapes is not scratch message.

 Do you have seperate storage pools that represent each cyle?

 As you can see I'm not the MVS/TMS person here. But I am assisting them in
getting this set up.

>Andy Raibeck
>Connecticut Mutual

 Again, thanks for the response.

 Tom Hughes
 Technical Consultant
 OIT - Harvard University
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