Problem with windows IP20259???

1994-12-07 16:08:46
Subject: Problem with windows IP20259???
From: Greg Piney <zzgcp AT MCGRAW-HILL DOT COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 1994 16:08:46 EST
I saw the notice on the list and downloaded the new Windows
client this morning. I had two clients who were experiencing
problems when exiting the 'Backup'client. It still failed.
It goes into the 'Black Hole of Death' mode and must be
rebooted. I tried the client on myself and had no problems.
I tried the client on a new install and it also failed with
the 'BHoD'. I am now leaning to the speculation that the
problem is with the particular 'winsock.dll' files being used.

The 'winsock.dll' that is being used by the clients who fail
on closing the backup client is 'PathWay from Wollongong'.

the 'winsock.dll' that is used on the 'new install' client is
the 'Novell Netware TCP/IP'.

My 'Winsock.dll' is Trumpet Winsock.

Do we have a Problem Guys/Gals????

Greg Piney
Sr. Systems Engineer
McGraw-Hill Inc.
ZZGCP AT McGraw-Hill DOT com
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